Sunday 23 March 2014

Death Penalty

First off, I don't really know what I'm SUPPOSED to say about the death penalty. Although, there are pros and cons about the death penalty. I, particularly, support the death penalty because if someone is already a serial killer, they should pay the price of what they had done. However, a reason I do not support the death penalty is because if your going to kill someone, for being a murderer, doesn't that make you a murderer/killer as well? What I'm trying to say, specifically, is that, killing people because you or their family wants justice doesn't make you or them a better person. In fact, it makes you or them a murderer as well. 
Regardless of them being accused of being a murderer and all evidence does point to them, what if they did not do it? In addition, it happens a lot. As a result, it makes you a murderer. Not only a murderer of another murderer, but a murderer of an innocent person. Nevertheless, I do believe killers should face serious consequences. Nonetheless, two wrongs, as in two murders, don't make a right. It is not going to bring the person you're trying to get justice for back.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Multiple Intelligences

What I'm going to talk about is, "Multiple Intelligences". This theory was created by Howard Gardner. First off, there are 8 intelligences; Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Rhythmic/Musical, Verbal/Linguistic, Visual/Spatial, Logical/Mathematical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, and Naturalist. Thus being the multiple intelligences. In other words, or what I am trying to say is, we all have different intelligences. Specifically, saying we have different ways of learning.

With that being said,let's talk about my intelligences. Intrapersonal, Verbal/Linguistic, and Rhythmic/Musical. Continuing on, an Intrapersonal person likes to work alone and learns best through independent study. Additionally, a Verbal/Linguistic learns best by saying, hearing, and seeing words. Lastly, Rhythmic/Musical, likes to sing, hum, listen to music, and good at remembering melodies. As a result of these... results, this is how I learn best. I think these intelligences really describe me, especially, being an Intrapersonal and a Rhythmic/Musical. On the other hand, do you know your top 3 intelligences? Afterwards, or after you are done reading this, you should take the survey. 

Wednesday 19 February 2014

If I Could Be Anything, I Would Be...

 Usually, when people are asked if they could be anything in the world, they choose all these things like; astronaut, singer, actor, a person with wings. For me particularly, I want to be a teacher. Specifically, an elementary teacher. For example, a kindergarten teacher or second grade teacher. I like children and teaching children. However I do have other dreams as well. In other words, there is something else I'd like to do besides teaching.
Regardless of me being a teacher, I would also like to be a nurse.Specifically for babies. Particularly new born babies. Regardless, I would like to be a nurse that deals with babies and children. Additionally, if I have the time and money, I would also like to go back to school and study for being a doctor. Nevertheless, I would like a job that pertains to children. 

Monday 17 February 2014

A Few Of My Favorite Things

First of all, I have alot of "favorites". As a matter of fact, my first favorite thing is my phone. I have a Samsung Galaxy S3. I wouldn't be able to live without it. I take it everywhere. It is pretty much my source of communication. 
 Second of all, another one of my favorites, is soccer. Although I don't play in school sports or sports in general, I wish I could. I really like soccer. Not to mention that when I had gym last year, I loved it when we played soccer. It is such a fun sport. I hope my grades are good enough for me to join.

Thirdly, another favorite. My favorite singer. Justin Drew Bieber is my favorite singer. I guess I am a "Belieber" as they call us. In addition, he is also very inspirational. He started by just posting covers on YouTube as a little kid. Eventually, he was recognized and signed by his record labels. He taught me to "Never Say Never."

Lastly, I am going to talking about my favorite band, One Direction. They taught me so much in life and I can not picture my life without me knowing about them. If we're being honest, I really do not remember what I was actually going before finding out about One Direction. They are my idols. Furthermore, I am also called a "Directioner". These 5 boys make me smile and laugh when I'm feeling down. They always try to make everyone, especially insecure girls feel better about themselves, because they deserve to. In conclusion, everyone should feel good about themselves. Closing off, I would like to proudly say that these are some of my favorites I had the pleasure of talking about.

Friday 7 February 2014

Most Influential Person

First of all, I have a lot of influential people I know. Although, the only person I know personally is my mother. For starters, she is influential because she goes through so much. For example, she's been through seven pregnancies and has six children. Despite the fact that had a miscarriage on her third child, my mom still stayed strong for us.

Secondly, another reason why my mom is an influential person is because, she always tries to make the best out of every situation. For example, one time we could not go to the beach for my birthday because my sisters and brother were sick. Therefore, she made us play some water games. In other words, she does anything she can to make my sisters, brother, and I happy. Lastly, of course, there are many other reasons as to why she is an influential person, but I feel that would be a novel.

Monday 13 January 2014

New Year's Resolution

First of all, I have a few New Year's Resolutions. With that being said, I will only talk about two of them. In fact, the first resolution is to start eating healthy. Most of the time, I barely eat lunch and I do not eat breakfast at all. It's not that I can not, it's just that I choose not to. Most of all, I would like to cut down on the junk food and sweets. Once in a while is okay but, I want to focus on healthier foods. It is also a good thing that don't drink soda, tea, juices, etc. anymore. 

Secondly, I never had the best grades in my family. In fact, I think I most probably have the worst. My parents don't ask for straight A's, although they'd like to. In spite of my laziness, I want to concentrate in school. Regardless of the fact that a lot of my grades kind of suck, I want to get at least C's and higher. However, this is going to be a challenge. Like I said, I really want good grades, not only to make my parents happy, but for the sake of my future. In conclusion, I will try my hardest to complete all my seat work assignments on time, my homework assignments, projects, Service Learning, etc.